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Author(s):      Violeta Damjanović , Dragan Gašević , Vladan Devedžić , Dragan Đurić
ISBN:      972-98947-3-6
Editors:      Nuno Guimarães and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2004
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      The Semantic Web, Web services, Web agent systems, Enclaves, Ontology process enclaves.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      1155
Last Page:      1162
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The paper presents the idea of joint use of some new Web technologies such as the Semantic Web, Web services and Web agents with the already existing concept. It is the concept of the enclaves that has been used on Workload Manager (WLM) that provides connection optimisation of IBM’s flagship mainframe operating system, z/OS. The main goal of using the enclaves on IBM z/OS is to manage the installation processes in order to make the best usage of its resources, maintaining the highest possible throughput and achieving the best possible system responsiveness. The purpose of using the concept of the enclaves on the Web is to increase the future Web functionality, as well as to manage it. In accordance with the vision of the future Web as the semantics-driven approach to the Web services, ontologies, and more generally, information on the Web, we started to search solutions to discover complex Web services and complex processes that would appear among ontologies on the Web. Consequently, we have detected a specific Web agent’s society in the form of the ontology process enclaves. Web agent’s enclaves can be explained as specific, open, flexible, and dynamic Web agent societies that can permanently observe and analyse complex processes arising between ontologies on the Web.

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